Acharya Bhikshu

Acharya Bhikshu was born in 1726 A.D. (V.S.1783) at Kantaliya (Marwar district) in the state of Jodhpur (Rajasthan). He was initiated by Sthanakwasi Acharya Raghunathji in 1751 A.D. (V.S.1808) and devoted himself to the study of Jain Agamas for a period of eight years.

He closely observed the mentality of those monks and nuns who, at that time, had grown accustomed to comforts and became lax in their strict code of conduct. though they had declared themselves to be unattached, they still re3tained their rights over the Sthanakas (the place wheere the monks used to stay). With a view to increase the number of disciples, they started offering many types of enticement to the members of the lay community. Observing the increasinglu lax conduct of the ascetice, the shravakas had doubts about the genuinity of ascetism. Those who were well-wishers of the order urged the ascetics to adhere strictly to the code of conduct, but the errring mendicants did not improve. Consequently, the shravakas of Rajnagar (adjoining disctrict of Udaipur) eclared that as long as the lax ascetics would not become strict, they would not support, nor pay any respect to them.

When Acharyaa Raghunathji came to know of the turn of the events, he became very anxious. At that time,he was in Marwar where he intended to spend his chaturmas. Therefore, Acharya Raghunath ji sen Muni Bhikhanji who was one his favorite and most learned monks, to Rajnagar to resolve the dissension create there and thus bring the situation under control by removing the doubts of the dissenting shravakas.

When Muni Bhikhanji arrived at Rajnagar, all the shravakas were pleased to see him, because he was popular there as an intelligent monk with exceleence in detachment. Bhikshu Swami, by the dint of his reasoning power, convinved the dissenting shravakas, and as a result, they restored their faith in Guru and agreed to pay obeisance to the Sadhus again. However, Muni Bhikhan ji's conscience bit him. In his mind, he was aware of the laxity in conduct. He shared the Shravakas concerns and went deep into his own introspection as a result of the situation. On the other hand, he had affection and respect for his guru Acharya Raghunath ji, and he wanted to stay with him; but on the other hand, he wanted the religious order to adhere to its conduct.

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